Heathlands Primary School

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Friday, 21 December 2012

Reception Nativity

Our new Reception children definately brought Christmas alive in our School with their performance of the Christmas Nativity.  They worked really hard learning new songs, acting and performing three times to the school, grandparents and parents.

Well done Children and huge thanks to the Reception staff and parents who helped behind the scenes.

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Yrs 1 & 2 Christmas Performance

This year our Infants' Department delighted us with a wonderfully remastered version of the Nativity.  With a cast of Mary and Joseph, the usual stabled animals, Santa! Pirates! (yes..Pirates), Sailors, a Parrot, all mixed up with beautiful angels oh and a Jester!  Accompanied by our brilliant choir, the children performed superbly and thoroughly enjoyed themselves.  Special thanks go to Mrs White for producing such a wonderful musical, Ollie and Lauren Causer's Grandad for painting the superb set and of course all the Infant teaching staff and LSA's.

Coffee Morning for New Heathland's Mums

Heathlands PTA recently held a coffee morning at the Scout Hut to welcome all our new Mums to our School Community. 

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Grand Opening of New Building!!

We are not sure how we did it, but we did! This afternoon we held a special surprise Grand Opening of the new Hall and Reception Classrooms for all our children and Special Guests.  The children were entertained by Magician Michael J Fitch and our wonderful new hall was filled with roars of laughter and cheers.  We then enjoyed a special countdown and the ribbon was cut.  Please see below a selection of photos of the afternoon.

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

4MB's Marvellous Madagascan Music

With the help of the brilliant Mrs 'Music' White the children of 4MB looked at varying beats and rhythms to create their own music to represent Madagascar and it's native animals.  They then filmed their work for all to enjoy!!