Heathlands Primary School

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Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Years 3 & 4 Theme Day - Lifes Great Adventure

Our Lower Juniors hosted a fantastic afternoon displaying their theme work. The theme was "Life's Great Adventure" and they covered areas such as health, fitness, food and diet, adventure and being happy within.

Parents and grandparents were treated to displays of country dancing and fitness routines.  Healthy food tasting, smoothies.  A visit to the dentist.  We had a Story Corner where some children read their imaginitive stories.  There was also an amazing Art Gallery displaying all the childrens' beautiful art work and clay modelling.  The guests were also quized on healthy and unhealthy foods.

We recieved some lovely feedback from our visitors:-

"Fantastic afternoon.  Loved all the childrens enthusiasm.  Pizza and smoothies very lovely!! Mrs Sanders.

"Great afternoon loved all that the children did.  Cooking was great, loved the soups and pizza." Mrs Williams.

"Wonderful enthusiasm.  Loved the dancing, displays and of course the Slurpees." Mrs Luxton.

Country Dance

Take your partners!

Scientific Dentistry!

At the Art Gallery

And so the adventure began.....

Let us tell you our stories....

Lab Coats and Goggles at the ready!

Slurpees Smoothies...the best in town

Fitness for ALL! Superb demonstrations.

Once upon a time in a far away land.....

Our wonderful artwork

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Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Heathlands has Got Talent - Winner is found!!

Who was the winner of Heathlands got talent?

As you know Heathlands Got Talent has been taking place recently, and finally the School Council have selected 12 final finalists to perform in the school hall to parents, teachers, close friends and most importantly to the judging panel which was chosen secretly. Out of the finalists 4 were chosen. So 3rd were surprisingly two people which were Thomas who was singing and Mia who was dancing . And 2nd was Sam who was equally singing. And 1st amazingly SOPHIE who sang a beautiful rendition of a song from the popular hit show “Matilda”. Plus while the judges were deciding the contestants places Quire performed amazing performance.

The Big Build - Science at Heathlands 2013

Science day report by Jack 5RC
Our first task on science Day was to make a marble run out of card, cereal packets and cardboard tubes. Our one (Orpen House) was the best but not the slowest, and the competition was the marble run that took the longest time for the marble to pass through it.  We took ages making the parts but ran out of time to make it better so we had to quickly stick it together which wasn’t ideal, we then voted which won should go through from our house team.  Ours was really small so the marble quickly passed through Firmins was much bigger as they had  joined the runs together and they won....oh well, who cares we still had a great day!!
Science Day 2013 by Izzie and Abbie 5RC
On the 26/03/13 Heathlands had a science day . First we all went to our colour teams house.  Our first challenge was to make a marble run when we were split into teams , we planned it first on a piece of sugar paper.   Then we started the big build.   It was really fun but it was a lot of team effort put into it. After we took our marble runs into the hall and we tested to see whose took the longest to get down the run.  Firmins and Orpen won.  After lunch we tried some experiments like magic balloons where we rubbed the balloons against our hair which made static electricity and our hair stood up on end.  We then went in the hall for a second time to see an amazing show by the Colchester Royal Grammar School.   Mr Adams  said we could ask him if there was any questions about the experiments and that was the end of the scientific Tuesday.

Planning Stages

Designer of the future!!

Now let me think...!!

Organising the team build

Working out what resources we have

Getting started

Its all about the team work

Making good progress

A true production line

Busy sticking and glueing

Now then...you put that bit here

Starting to take shape

The finished Marble Runs

Yes...we all enjoyed it!!

Watching the Marble Runs in action

Saturday, 23 March 2013

Running for Tom - Please Support Emma

Mrs Bowdidge's daughter Emma will be running the London Marathon in April in support of her wonderful brother Tom and his charity Teenage Cancer Trust.  Please, please support Emma by linking to her Donations page below.  We will be supporting you all the way Emma!!


Thursday, 21 March 2013

Comic Relief Cake Sale

Some of our children (with the help of their lovely parents) baked night and day in preparation for their amazing Bake Sale to raise funds for last weeks Comic Relief day.  Their efforts were worth while as they raised in excess of £160.  Well done to all!!

Colchester Half Marathon

Our very own team of brave athletes from Heathlands took part in this year's Half Marathon.  Mr Matthews, Miss Sturgeon and Mr Gorman (Dad of Jacob Yr 6) ran in aid of Teenage Cancer Trust. 

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Owls visit EYFS - Monday 18th March

Some beautiful owls came to Heathlands.  The children in EYFS were treated to a wonderful display.

Boo in 1W said "I liked the owls because when we got to the end of the boxes there was a funny owl who was a bit naughty because he would not come out of his box".

Oscar in 1W said "it was exciting because we got to see lots of owls flying around in the school hall. I liked Puff the best because he loads of lovely soft feathers".

Lego Club Cake Sale

The lunchtime Lego Club Team today held a cake sale to raise money to buy more lego for the club.

They worked really hard and raised £30.11.  The cakes had a lego theme and looked and tasted great!!

Thursday, 14 March 2013

World Maths Day By Jazmine and Abby

On Tuesday 5th March we had World Maths Day and Michael J. Fitch came in and taught us some amazing maths tricks. 

Later on in the day, class 6NS went to the ICT suite and were finding the formula of Penguin Sliders!

6FS were making real life lengths of antarctic animals.

Overall we had a fantastic day!!

Thursday, 7 March 2013

World Book Day

At Heathlands we today celebrated World Book Day.  Both teaching staff and pupils dressed as book characters.  As well as celebrating and sharing their favourite books in class, the Juniors became paired readers for the day listening to the children in pur infants department read.

Some of the Heathlands Staff

Abbie once again wowed us with her costume

Paired reading

Paired reading

Another amazing costume!!

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Cross-Country Success!!

Congratulations to our Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 boys teams who have all qualified for the Cross Country County Final.

World Maths Day Magic!!

Magician Michael J. Fitch entertained all the pupils in a very special assembly this morning followed by individual Magical Maths Workshops in the afternoon. 

Special thanks to the School PTA who funded the day full of magical maths for all the children at Heathlands.

Welcome Back......

Mrs Lewis has returned from Maternity leave and is back teaching in EYFS. 

Blunderbus Theatre Company

On Wednesday 27th February the Blunderbus Theatre Company visited all the children in Infants and Reception.  They were all treated to a performance in the morning followed by individual workshops for each class in the afternoon. 

Sunday, 3 March 2013

Years 5 & 6 Cross Country - 28.2.13

A team of Year 5 and 6 pupils went to the Garrison Playing Fields to take part in the Cross Country Finals.  The girls and boys ran over a distance of 1.6km along with many other Colchester Primary Schools.  Both teams ran incredibly well over the long course.  Our Yr 6 Team were crowned first place medalist!!! Well done to all who took part and thank you to the many parents who helped with transport and supported the children.

Our Year 6 Winning Team!!