Heathlands Primary School

To visit Heathlands Primary School's main web site please CLICK HERE

Monday, 1 December 2014

100 Club Winners

Congratulations to Sarah Russell (mum to Sophie 2PW) who is the lucky winner of the September 100 Club draw, and Hazel Lazell (nanny to Olivia 2PW & Max 1T) who is the lucky winner of the October 100 Club draw.

For only £1 a month, members of the 100 Club can win up to £50 each month and furthermore the school library benefits by receiving up to £600 per year.

For anyone interested in joining, please ask at the office for an application form.

Any queries, please contact Jo Thorogood, mum to Olivia 2PW and Max 1T.

If you're not in, you can't win !

Essex Junior Squash - Grand Prix Series

Essex Junior Squash launched its new Grand Prix Series for Development players on Sunday with the aim of providing competition for the next generation of young players.

Aimed at youngsters who have yet to wear county colours, the Grand Prix competition will be staged over six months at five different venues with points from each event counting towards an overall total. It kicked off at Club Kingswood in Basildon on Sunday with players in school groups Year 6 to Year 10 pitting their talents against one another.

Heathland's pupils Joshua and William achieved great results in the 1st stage.  Well done boys and good luck with the rest of the series.  For more information please CLICK HERE

Monday, 13 October 2014

School Lunches - week commencing 4th November 2014

The next rotation of Menus and Order Forms will be sent home on Friday 17th October for return to School by no later than Tuesday 21st October.

Downloadable versions of the Menus and Order Forms will be available on the School website at www.heathlands.essex.sch.uk from Friday 17th October.

Friday, 3 October 2014

Yr 6 - Return time

We have just been advised that the coach should now be returning at 3.45pm.

Day 5 - Kingswood

Our Year 6 pupils and staff are estimated to return to School between 3-3.30pm today.  We shall keep you updated here of any changes to timings.

Get ready for all that washing!!

All activities done and ready to come home!

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Day 4 - Kingswood

Working as a team blind folded.  A great way to learn to trust each other.

Day 4 - Kingswood

Here are some more 'Team Work' photos

New School Website

We are pleased to announce that we have today launched our new Heathlands School website. The address remains the same www.heathlands.essex.sch.uk and we hope that you find the information contained on it useful.

Day 4 - Kingswood

...and now they are on the climbing wall taking part in an activity called 'Bouldering'.  Where does all the energy come from?

Day 4 - Kingswood

And the leapers keep on leaping

Day 4 - Kingswood

....and more children take the leap of faith!

Day 4 - Kingswood

More photos from last night's disco

Day 4 - Kingswood

More Fencing

.....and then the Leap of Faith aaaarrrgh!!

Team Building activities

Complex Problem Solving

Jacobs Ladder

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Day 3 - Kingswood

Bush craft.  How often do you get a chance to fend for yourself and live in the wild even if it is only for a short time.

Day 3 - Kingswood

More Zip Wire fun.

.....and then Jacobs Ladder

Day 3 - Kingswood

On guard!

Who is the masked musketeer?