Heathlands Primary School

To visit Heathlands Primary School's main web site please CLICK HERE

Thursday, 30 January 2014

Cross Country Winners!!

Today a team of year 5 and 6 pupils from Heathlands took part in the Primary Schools Cross Country event at the Garrison.  Running 1.6km in the wet and mud the going was quite tough however, we did amazingly well as a team with the Year 5 Boys and Girls winning the Trophy and our Year 6 Boys coming first.  All the children who represented Heathlands were brilliant!!! Well done everyone!!!  Thank you very much also to all the parents who helped with transport and supported the children.

Arichie Yr5 digging deep for 4th place

Edward Y5 very close on Archie's heels in 5th place

Delighted Maisie yr 5 with her bronze medal

Year 5 Boys Team Ed, Archie, Matthew, Joe and Jack

The Year 5 "Dream Team" with their medals and trophy

Year 5 Girls Team Thea, Maisie, Abi, Leandra, Saffron and Franchesca

Year 6 Girls Team Megan, Isobel, Angelina, Ellie, Mia and Kitty

Very proud Marty Yr 6 with Bronze Medal

Great Result Heathlands!!

Our Yr 6 Boys ready for battle!! Freddie, George, Oscar, Matthew, Jake (not in shot)  & Marty

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Year 6 Road Safety Day

The Year 6 pupils today took part in a Road Safety Workshop.  They spent some time walking around the village discussing safety points and safety awareness.

Harry (Website Reporter) asked William 6NS:-

Why did you have to wear hi-viz jackets? - "These are to make sure we are seen and kept safe".

How do you cross the road safely? - "Stop in a safe spot, look left and right and listen all the time for traffic".

Did you learn a lot and find the course useful? - "Yes, very.  It could save lives".

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

This weeks Sports Fixtures

We have two sporting fixtures this week at Heathlands.  Firstly the years 5 & 6 will be travelling to Colchester Garrision for the Primary Schools Cross Country event.  All parents are more than welcome to come along and support the event. 

We are also hosting the next league football match on Friday playing against Brinkley Grove.  Please come along and support your team.

Our first Netball match of the season will be next Monday at Myland Primary School.  


Wednesday, 22 January 2014

More after school club photos

The Sew Cool Club still has some slots.  If you would like to join, either speak with Mrs Bennett at the School Gate or contact the School Office.

Work in progress

Happy stitching

L R Dance Works are also well into their new term with dance teacher Laura.  This club is open to boys and girls in years 1,2,3,4,5 and 6.

5,6,7,8...strike a pose and smile!!!

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

EYFS - Igloo update

The new Website Reporters team paid a visit to the EYFS Department this afternoon.  The teachers and children have been so busy building their amazing Igloo.  It really is taking shape.  It was the first time that some of the Reporters had seen the EYFS wonderful creation and are looking forward to blogging updates on it's progress. 

Clubs have begun!!!!

Spring Term clubs are now well underway.  We are lucky at Heathlands to have such a wide and varied selection of after school activities which, as always, are really popular.  Here are some pictures of our Rugby and Netball Clubs (Sew-Cool and Dance pictures will be uploaded soon). 

BTW - Sew-Cool have a couple of spare slots on their Tuesday session.  Please contact the School office or Mrs Bennett if you would be interested.

Netball Club - Stars of the future!!

The Rugby Club - Mud, Sweat.....FUN!!!

Website Reporters - Meet the Spring Term Crew


My name is Isabelle (6FS).  I joined Website Reporters because I like going on the computer and posting the updates on the school blog.  I have been on the reporters team before and liked it so much I joined again!!

My name is Alex (6NS) and I am one of the wonderful members of Website Reporters responsible for giving you these amazing reports.  I joined again because it is fun and I enjoy writing reports for you people at home.

Hi, my name is Eloise (5C).  I joined Website Reporters with my friend Zahra  who I sit next to in Literacy which by the way I love at the moment as we are looking at Finding Nemo in Cineliteracy and doing lots of creative fun writing.  I am looking forward to being a reporter as I think I will be good at writing reports for the blog.

Hi, my name is Harry (5C).  My best hobby is building lego and playing on the x-box!  When I grow up I really want to be an inventor.  I have joined Website Reporters because I love using computers which will be useful when I am older.

My name is Franchesca (5F).  I joined Website Reporters because it sounded fun and different.  I am looking forward to writing and blogging my reports and look forward to sharing them with my family and friends on the internet. I am also looking forward to learning more about using the computer.

Hi, my name is Zahra (5C).  I really enjoy playing football and my best friend is Eloise (who luckily is doing this club too!!) Some people call me the LAUGHTER QUEEN because when I start laughing I find it hard to stop!!!!  I am looking forward to getting more computer skills.



A Musical Christmas - by Younes

Just before Christmas I took part in  a music performance at the Orpen
Hall for the older folk and children from the Bluebells playgroup in
the village. First up were the solo guitarists, followed by the
pianists (most of them played Christmas songs eg 'Away in a Manger',
'Jingle Bells'). Everybody played excellently on their instruments.

Next it was my turn on the violin. I played 'Silent Night' in a group,
there were six Grade One violinists and two Beginners, including me
and a child from Year 3. I felt quite scared because it was my first
time playing it in public, and I came back to my chair with a very red
face, but I hope I played most of it right!

The choir concluded the show with a few songs, and then we all
returned to school feeling Christmas-y!

I really enjoyed my first violin performance and hope to play in more

Sunday, 19 January 2014

Heathlands' Mums Marathon Effort!!


By now you must have all seen the tight trousers, bright high viz jackets, and go fast head bands at the school gates of 4 of our own Heathlands’mums. Rumour has it that they are all entered to run the 2014 Virgin London Marathon. Sam Monks (Aaron 2SW & Billy 5F) , Jo Ponder (Oscar 4B), Becky Scott-Yates (Kitty 6NS & Freddie 6FS) and Emma Juniper (Josh 2K) are all in training to complete 26.2 miles on the 13th April. They are currently braving the cold weather and early mornings to do themselvsproud and to raise money for a very worthwhile children's charity MACs. Macs are the UK's national charity for children born without eyes or with underdevelop ed eyes,and they are currently supporting over 500 families in the UK.Our very own athletes are looking to raise over £5,000 between them and they would appreciate any donation big or small to make every mile count. Please look out for cake sales,  between now and April and other exciting fundraising events until race day. If you would prefer to sponsor them online please visit www.virginmoneygiving.co.uk.

They thank you in advance for all your support!!!!

For more information about MACS and the fantastic work they do please CLICK HERE

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Clubs - L R Dance Works

Just to let all our pupils know that Laura's dance class is now in its second week at Heathlands this term.  It is open to years 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 and takes place on Tuesdays directly after school. 

For more information please contact Laura on Mobile: 07876-702369
Home: 01206-543110 (Between 9-6pm)
Email: laura@lrdance.co.uk or lrdance@mobileemail.vodafone.net
Laura Rampton  - Fully qualified I.S.T.D teacher. Licenciate grade held in both Disco/Freestyle and Rock and Roll

New Term New Themes!!!

Welcome back to an exciting new term at Heathlands.  Our new themes are well underway.  The children in EYFS have been busy building like little eskimos, their very own igloo.

The Lowers we have been focusing on the artist Acrimboldo and also starting to think about where our food comes from.  They are looking forward to exploring more about their theme of Supermarkets.

The Uppers the theme of H2o is proving really interesting.  The children in 5C and 5F were today creating movement to music in the form of flowing water and rivers.