My name is Isabelle (6FS). I joined Website Reporters because I like going on the computer and posting the updates on the school blog. I have been on the reporters team before and liked it so much I joined again!!
My name is Alex (6NS) and I am one of the wonderful members of Website Reporters responsible for giving you these amazing reports. I joined again because it is fun and I enjoy writing reports for you people at home.
Hi, my name is Eloise (5C). I joined Website Reporters with my friend Zahra who I sit next to in Literacy which by the way I love at the moment as we are looking at Finding Nemo in Cineliteracy and doing lots of creative fun writing. I am looking forward to being a reporter as I think I will be good at writing reports for the blog.
Hi, my name is Harry (5C). My best hobby is building lego and playing on the x-box! When I grow up I really want to be an inventor. I have joined Website Reporters because I love using computers which will be useful when I am older.
My name is Franchesca (5F). I joined Website Reporters because it sounded fun and different. I am looking forward to writing and blogging my reports and look forward to sharing them with my family and friends on the internet. I am also looking forward to learning more about using the computer.
Hi, my name is Zahra (5C). I really enjoy playing football and my best friend is Eloise (who luckily is doing this club too!!) Some people call me the LAUGHTER QUEEN because when I start laughing I find it hard to stop!!!! I am looking forward to getting more computer skills.