Heathlands Primary School

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Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Farewell Mr Matthews and Good Luck

On Monday, we held a wonderful assembly celebrating Mr Matthews time with us here at Heathlands and wishing him and his lovely family all the best of luck and lots of happiness as they embark on their new adventure in Dubai.  Here are a selection of pictures from the assembly.

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Troy Story - Year 5/6 Production

Last week saw our Year 5/6 Summer Production "Troy Story".  A slick performance by all involved. Some photos below kindly provided by Mrs Kafala.

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Author Jennifer Gray visits Heathlands

On Wednesday 2nd July, children within KS2 were fortunate enough to listen to a visiting children's author; Jennifer Gray.  Jennifer spent the afternoon entertaining us with extracts from some of her books and together we learnt the importance of planning when writing.  To find out more about Jennifer's books please CLICK HERE

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

End of Term preparations

We are rapidly coming to the end of another year at School and Heathlands is buzzing with excitement and expectation.  We are readily preparing our year 6 pupils for moving on and the arrival of our new EYFS.  We would ask our parents over the next few day to please:-

  • Check lost property for any known/even unknown mislaid items.
  • Ensure payments for all trips and forms are paid/completed for next term.
  • PE kits are handed to you by your child on or before last day of term.
  • Send a carrier bag in with your child on last day of term for all the lovely work completed over the last year to be brought home and shared with all your family.

Many thanks,

Website Reporters - Last meeting - Report by Mrs Lawrence

Today, 8th July, saw the last meeting of Website Reporters Club for this term  Although we did not manage to complete many reports tonight due to an incredibly slow network, we had a lot of fun experimenting with the new Apple Mac computers.  I would just like to say a huge 'thank you' to this term's team for all their great reports.  Also, good luck to the Yr 6 Reporters as they move on to secondary school.

Looking forward to meeting a new team in September.

Mrs Lawrence

Fashion Show and Sale at Heathlands - 12th July 2014

Amazing bespoke fashion items for children and adults created by enthusiastic and talented designers from Colchester.  Please come along and support this worthy cause!  More information about the foundation can be found at The Tom Bowdidge Foundation

Leavers' Disco by - Jack 6FS

The Leavers' Disco will be held on the evening of the 22nd July (last day of term).  Unfortunately, choosing a playlist may prove tricky for the DJ as everyone obviously have different tastes in music but I am sure we will all enjoy the atmosphere.  We in year 6 are all looking forward to the disco but maybe not so much that it marks the end of our time at Heathlands.

Transition Day by Francesca 5M

On Friday 4th July all the pupils at Heathlands were told what class they would be in next September.  I am going to be in 6G with Mrs Gibson.  She is really nice and I am looking forward to next year because it is going to be a lot of fun with Mrs Gibson.  I will work as hard as I can so that we get to do more fun things!!


Thursday, 3 July 2014

Heathlands Summer Fayre - Friday 4th July 4pm-6.30pm

At Heathlands on Friday 4th July starting at 4pm we celebrate our annual Summer Fayre. It’s a real community event, supported and enjoyed by many local friends and villagers. This year we are hoping to repeat the success of last year by having the event on a Friday afternoon again.
We hope you enjoy a fun-filled afternoon packed with crafts, activities, singing, dancing, delicious treats to eat etc, donkey rides, bouncy castles and hopefully lots of sunshine and NO RAIN OR WIND!
Look out also for the Tom Bowdidge Foundation stall with their great Balloon Race!!
We look forward to seeing you all there!

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Going on a bug hunt! Yr 1

Today our Year 1 pupils spent some time on the heath in front of the school looking for and identifying insects.

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Infants Sports Day - Monday 30th June 2014

Our Infants Sports Day took place in the afternoon following a wonderful "Hand Over" Ceremony from the Juniors in the morning.  Watched by a huge number of very proud family and friends the children had a fantastic afternoon of sport.  Thank you to Website Reporter Alex (6G) for taking these photos.