Heathlands Primary School

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Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Skipping Blueberries

On Thursday 19th March, a man called John, representing Skip 2 B Fit, tested everyone in each class to see how many skips they could do in 2 minutes. He also tested the staff! The winner from the pupils was Joe and winner from the staff was Mrs Wells.

In a skip off, at the end of the day Joe beat the teacher and the whole school was in delight - children can be better than teachers! The whole school had a brilliant day and thank you to the PTA for organising this event.


By Sam and Luke.

Shake your tail feather!

Zumba 4 U!

On Wednesdays, straight after school Veronique Sanders runs a Zumba club for all year groups up to year 6. In the Zumba class there are lots of energising steps and movements. Emily and Charlotte went to watch a recent Zumba class and were tempted to join in to get some exercise! All of the children looked like they were having lots of fun and were enjoying every minute of it so if you would like to join the Zumba club after the Easter holidays then pop over to our School website to find out more.

By Emily and Charlotte J 

Friday, 20 March 2015

Our Favourite reads

Following World Book Day, Dean and Francesca went around the school to ask some the teachers and other adults; "What is you favourite Children's book?"
Here's what they found out:

Mr Hallum -The Midnight Fox (but he had loads!)
Mr Cranfield -Billionaire Boy

Mrs Morrell - Winnie-the-Pooh
Mrs Carter - Wind in the Willows
Mrs Gibson - Meg and Mog series.
Miss Smith - Six Dinner Sid

The Office Staff - All the way to the moon & Back & The Very Hungry Caterpillar

So why not try one of these books yourself and let us know what you think.

by Dean

Oh we all like to be beside the seaside...

On Tuesday 17th March, Year 6 took a road trip down to Dunwich, where they observed Coastal erosion; as well as following a lady, with no shoes on, called Sister Luke-we think she may even have developed Frostbite!!!

Sister Luke had dressed up as a nun from the 1200s and took us on a tour of the streets of Dunwich & up to the Friary.  As well as that, we got a trip around Dunwich Museum and a talk on Coastal erosion from a lady called Jane, who showed u a model of Dunwich in the Middle Ages.  Also we were told, that Dunwich was hit by a terrible storm, which caused a large percentage to collapse into the sea.

Thank you to Mrs Gibson and Miss Smith for taking us.

by Sam and Francesca

Three Cheers for our Football Team

On Tuesday 10th March the school football team left the school, in three cars and set off heading for Swindon. 

It took them about three hours to get to the Premier Inn, to sleep for the night.  After checking into the rooms, the football team, parents and Mr Hassard went to the nearest restaurant to have dinner.  Then they were sorted into their rooms and finally went to sleep at 10pm...ish!

The next morning, the football team woke up and went downstairs, back to the restaurant to have breakfast.  Around 45 minutes later the football team, parents and Mr Hassard drove to the Stanley Park Football Ground to play in the tournament.

When the football team played, they did extremely well but unfortunately they didn't win, but the whole school has appreciated their efforts and are very proud of how far they went to get into the second tournament.

We wish good luck to the football team for next year.

By Dom

Calling all Houses

Don't forget to hand things in, ideal for your house, to make the Easter Garden with!

You can hand in things such as: holly (and other plants), twigs, card, small stones, dirt / mud and other things, if suitable.

Backgrounds are also welcome.

Try to do everything you can to help your house become the one that wins!  But be quick; the competition finishes next Thursday.

May the best house win!

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

The Hare and the Tortoise

On Thursday 26th of February, Year 5 and 6 went to compete at a Cross Country event at Colchester Rugby Club. Lily said, “It was very muddy and dirty but we all still did our best and felt very proud after the event!” Franchesca quoted, “We met all of our goals and we are very happy!”


The year 5s did 3 laps of the field and the year 6s did 3 and a half laps of the rugby field. Lap 1 went quickly for the team but it got harder as time went on. Eventually they had finished - very muddy and cold and also extremely tired. Mr Minter told our Year 5 and 6 teams the results in assembly. Year 5s came 2nd and the year 6s also came 2nd; leaving everyone very happy.

By Emily  

Cool Runnings

On the 12th February, 2015 the year 3 and 4 cross country team went on a muddy run around Colchester Rugby Club’s pitch. Faiza quoted, “I was scared and amazed!” Whilst Sioned said, “My family were very proud of me.” 

So, under starters orders, the controversial race began - 2 laps of the pitch, in thick mud, the pushing and shoving had commenced. Lap 1 went quickly although the 2nd lap trailed on and by the end everyone was worn out and could barely run.

Elijah and Lucy came first in their categories and all tried really hard.  All in all, they had a great time and year 3 made it through to the next round! Well Done!!!

By Sam   

Year 6; Exploding Work

On the first day back after the half term, year 6 were told that we were going to do an arty, crafty activity which all of us soon guessed what it was. There was vinegar, bicarbonate soda, washing up liquid and red food colouring on the side of the teacher’s desk. We soon found out our guess was correct when we were told that we were making VOLCANOS! 

The volcanos were going to erupt as well so all of us were soon hard at work making a volcano out of Mrs Gibson’s and Miss Smith’s paper recycling rubbish.  We were told to get into our science places and worked as a team to create our volcanos. We had to be able to work well as a team and keep to the same idea otherwise we would get in a bit of a mess because we would have some people doing one thing and others arguing over what was or was not going to be on the volcano. There were awards for the best volcano, best teamwork and best eruption. But I have to admit the part about the eruption was what got everyone buzzing. It was defiantly a great activity but not only was it just fun it taught us something too!!! What we learnt was to work together as teams and how to make AWSOME VOLCANOES!!!!!!!!!!!! But most of all we would like to thank our year 6 teachers (Mrs Gibson and Miss Smith) for planning such a great day for us so; THANK YOU!!

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Think of a number...

On Friday 6th March, we (Thomas, Lewis, Sam and Jack) represented the school in a maths competition at Friar's Grove Primary School.  There were five rounds in the competition. 

The first round was about angles.  We had to work out what the different angles were and use those angles to solve questions.

The second round was all about a basketball league.  We had to work out who played who and the different scores in the matches.

The third round was about algebra.  They gave to us what x and y were and we had to solve problems using them.  Then we had to put hem into a Carroll Diagram.

The fourth round was about visualising.  We had to work out how many of each colour would be sprayed if the Multilink had been sprayed.

The last round was a code.  We had to work out what the letters meant.  Then we had to solve the code.

We (Heathlands) came 5th out of 11 schools.

By Lewis and Thomas