Heathlands Primary School

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Wednesday, 21 October 2015

The Zombies are coming to get you!!!

Yesterday, the year fives and sixes had a very exciting visitor come in, to talk to them about reading and writing. The person who came in was called Jeff Norton; he is a professional author. Before the presentation five people out of year six were picked to have their picture taken with the author for the Colchester Gazette. The five people were: Lauren, Jemima, Ollie, Max and Jasper.

After that all of the year fives and sixes went into the presentation. Jeff Norton told us that he was a reluctant reader when he was little. He became engrossed in a book where you had to pick your own ending. Jeff Norton realised that you have to practice reading to get better at it just like you have to practice to get better at a musical instrument.

Jeff Norton used to read past his bed time with a flashlight because he was so into his book. His parents would tell him off but then he would be wondering what would happen next, so then he would sneek out of bed and find some other way of reading!

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Going for Gold

In P.E, 6G have been revising and developing their gymnastic skills. They have been making different balancing sequences, with partners, on and off the apparatus!

mpleting forward rolls, backward rolls and handstands.

High Five to our new team!

The netball team for 2015/2016 has been announced! Their first match will be an away game at Gosbecks School.

The Netball Squad are as follows: Grace, Claudia, Amy, Ruby, Shannon, Amber and Ida.

We hope the squad have an excellent season and wish them the very best of luck!

By Alana
Team Journalist

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Year 6 on Tour

The start of the Year 6 residential began with all of us clambering onto the coach-jumping with excitement, as no one could wait to get there. Eventually after a long trip on the coach, we arrived at Kingswood (West Runton, Norfolk).

The first activity was the 'Leap Of Faith'.  Most of us managed to get to the top of the 'Leap Of Faith' and jump off-including a rather excitable Mr Hassard!!!

Another one of the activities which was super popular was the zip wire. What everyone enjoyed the most was sharing a dorm with their friends- even though everyone chatted all night long-much to the adults annoyance!!! Kingswood certainly is a great opportunity to push yourselves and conquer your fears.

There were loads of other activities at Kingswood including; Quad bikes, Go Karts, Team Challenge, Problem Solving, Jacobs Ladder, Abseiling, Indoor Climbing, Low Ropes and S.O.S. We also had a walk to Beestons bump, at the top we had a beautiful view of Sheringham beach.

Another one of the activities we had a go at, was Night Line. Night line is a trust activity, where we had to put blindfolds on so that we couldn't see and then we got guided around a track with loads of different obstacles. On all of the obstacles you either had to crawl under, go round or climb over.

Overall everyone had a great time and enjoyed being together as a year group!

Check out the Year 6 Blog to read more about our other adventures including a boat trip to see the seals and a range of photos including Mr Hassard's selfies!!!

by Lauren (added touches by Mrs Gibson)