On Monday 23rd of May students dressed in red, white or blue-some
people certainly got a few laughs.
Uppers did four workshops: Dancing, music, art and French-food-writing.
Dancing was with Mrs Carter “It was really fun but was hard to get the
hang of.” Bethany said.
Music with Mr Minter “It was really fun because we learnt how to
play a French piece on the piano and it was a new experience!” Chloe said.
Next was art with Mrs Gibson “I loved using the oil pastels they
were really fun to use.” Alana said to hear more about art read Chloe’s.
Finally we wrote about food in French then said what we had written
to the class, this was with Mr Hassard “I enjoyed however I found it hard to
write in French” Lewis said honestly.
French day was really fun and all money raised is being given t o St
Helenea Hospice. Thank you. By Ella via the web reporters.