Heathlands Primary School

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Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Summer Fayre 1st July

There will be:
●Donkey Rides.
●A Bouncy Castle.
●A Carousel.
●Toys to win.
By Megan

6G's Class Assembly

A few Fridays ago, class 6G showcased what they have been learning in a fantastic assembly, which was organised by Mrs Gibson, who was helped by Mrs White. They started off with some genius scientists, who explained more about the fascinating world of the human body. Then, the heart came to tell everyone about itself, with its left and right atriums and ventricles. After that, our very own ‘Ant and Dec’ made a special appearance and played a game, involving the four models. Next, the two lungs explained how they work as part of the respiratory system and everyone sung a song about them. They then explained how they had tested their lung capacity using a balloon. Finally, they moved on to the diverse continent of Africa and ‘Ant and Dec’ re-appeared to introduce the end of the show show where everyone performed on some African drums.

Chloe exclaimed, “I really enjoyed performing in and helping to put together the class assembly!”

By Alana


On Monday 23rd of May students dressed in red, white or blue-some people certainly got a few laughs. 
Uppers did four workshops: Dancing, music, art and French-food-writing.

Dancing was with Mrs Carter “It was really fun but was hard to get the hang of.” Bethany said.

Music with Mr Minter “It was really fun because we learnt how to play a French piece on the piano and it was a new experience!” Chloe said.

Next was art with Mrs Gibson “I loved using the oil pastels they were really fun to use.” Alana said to hear more about art read Chloe’s.

Finally we wrote about food in French then said what we had written to the class, this was with Mr Hassard “I enjoyed however I found it hard to write in French” Lewis said honestly.


French day was really fun and all money raised is being given t o St  Helenea Hospice.  Thank you. By Ella via the web reporters. 



Autism Day

On Tuesday 24th May 2016 it was Autism Day for all students at Heathlands Primary School.   Autism is a mental condition, present from early childhood, characterized by great difficulty in communicating and forming relationships with other people and in using language and abstract concepts.


Everybody enjoyed learning about autism and how it affects others. Ollie (year 3) showed a PowerPoint to every class at Heathlands about autism and what it is like to have it.


“I enjoyed autism day because we got to learn how it affects people who are autistic.” – William


“It was really interesting to learn about autism and to learn about somebody who is autistic.”  Bethany

By Lewis

Road Safety

On Tuesday 24th of May, a lady came into our school to talk about road safety to the Year 6s.

She told us a few unfortunate stories, explaining about some people’s accidents e.g. what happened when someone didn’t wear a bicycle helmet.

The lady told us about being safe on the road, in a car and on a bike, followed by a quiz.

Afterwards she took groups of us out into the village, to explain how you should cross the road safely.

It was a very interesting talk, and we learnt a lot about being safe on the road.

By Bethany