Heathlands Primary School

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Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Sports day.

Last Tuesday, it was sports day. Being outside all day I thought it was more appropriate I did this report. The day started when all houses did a warm up led my Mrs Carter. The children got in pairs and made their way to the field where their already placed chairs were.

The sprints were first, year three girls then boys, year four girls then boys etc. There were about three heats per year-gender. The finals took place afterwards.
The winning house received a total of four points. 

Then obstacle: each house did very differently in every heat, mainly Agent coming last! Eventually long distance came; year three and four did four-hundred metres; however year five and sixes did six-hundred.

Then the infants joined in for the handover.  The handover does not give points. Year five and four did the three legged race to the year ones, where they balanced a bean bag on their head who then passed on the responsibility onto year two and three who did the double sack race, and finally the year sixes who ran whilst putting clothes on,;they had to wear: a hat, a waistcoat and a long or puffy skirt, before finishing the race.  Poor Sackville had a bit of waiting from their sack race onwards. 

Then the best part of sports day: the Toddler race, the Dad race and the Mum race one-all of which were very competitive, but not the cute toddler race.

Lunch came after; for lunch the PTA were selling:
Strawberries and cream
Bacon rolls 
hot dogs
Juice and hot drinks
An ice cream van also appeared, and parents could take a picnic for them and their children. But for the children who had school dinner children, they were provided with a packed lunch.

Then after a bit of play every infant made their way onto the field. First was the obstacle race where each child ran with a tennis racket whilst balancing a bean bag. Then they dropped those and ran to the hurdles which they went under.  Next they ran to the hoops and went through before they had a short sprint. The Sack race took place after, the children jumped to the finish. Sprint came soon afterwards and then long distance running.  The juniors joined the infants during the later part of the afternoon. 
Finally there was a presentation:

ARGENT WON yay! Well done every one who took part.
From Ella via the Web Reports           


Circle Of Life

Next week, on the 13th and 14th July, the Upper Juniors will be performing The Lion King to the public. Everyone is extremely excited to perform and show off all of their hard work to their parents and friends.

Ella, an ecstatic student quoted, “The Lion King will be first class; I cannot wait for the big show!”

There will be a variety of songs, (especially as it is a musical!), including The Circle Of Life, Hakuna-Matata, I Just Can’t Wait To Be King, Can you feel the love tonight and many more.

By Alana

Early Induction Day

On Tuesday 05th July 2015, six Heathlands pupils went to ‘The Stanway Secondary School’ for an extra induction day. I was one of them and I don’t really know why.

They all went with the inclusion leader. We all had a tour round the school (Stanway school). While all of the special children had the tour round the school all the adults had a big talk. At the end of the afternoon we all got biscuit, and a drink.

Then we all went home and we got stuck at the railway crossing.

By Lewis & William

Transfer Day 2016

On Monday 27th June 2016 every child in the school (excluding the year 6’s) went into their new class for the day and got to know their teacher. The year sixes did not go to Stanway as they are going on the 7th July. Everybody enjoyed the day and loved finding out what class they were going to be in.
As the year sixes didn’t go to their secondary school, they continued to practise their production ‘The Lion King’. As they didn’t have a classroom, they made production program cover designs; did Lion King sessions and played rounders.

By Lewis & William

The Stanway School came to Heathlands

On Friday the 17th of June 2016, two people from ‘The Stanway School’ came to talk to the pupils who are going to ‘The Stanway School’ next year.

Main questions
We all had lots of questions. The Girls all wanted to know if they could have their hair down. The answer was ‘yes’. They also said that the boys had to have a short haircut.  

By William

Superb Show Sessions

A week or so ago, the Year 6 pupils have started a series of 18‘The Lion King’ sessions.  Mostly, it started off with the children with non-speaking parts taking part in the sessions, but now all of the Year 6 take part in the sessions (when they're not needed to practise with Mr Hassard).
The sessions are each time focused on a certain topic to do with ‘The Lion King’, starting with an introduction and lot of different topics e.g. story, ritual, rhythm, pride etc.

There are 3 prides, Pride A called “Pride Royal”, Pride B called “Dabbing Dolphins and Pride C named “Courageous Rhinos”.
First, the pride begins with a ritual – which involves the pride leader (which is changed daily).  The ritual starts with the pride leader drumming a rhythm and the pride copying them, which is repeated with a different rhythm.  Then the prides do a vocal and physical warm up.
The sessions continue with a video (which came with ‘The Lion King’ pack).  In the video, the people who play‘Simba’ and ‘Nala’in the North American version, introduce the theme for the session, and talk about it, and tell us what we will do in our current session. 
Afterwards, we do some drama based activity (with our prides), concluding the session.

2016 Athletics Competition

Yesterday, 40 children from the juniors left school at midday to enter in the annual athletics competition, which was hosted at the Garrison. 

The events that they participated in were: the 80m sprint, the100m sprint, the 200m sprint, the long distance race, ball throw and the sand pit. 

Izzy, a year 6 athlete said,” I’m nervous to do the races but I’m also excited to work as a team and see what place we come,” 

Lots of people did very well in the heats and advanced to the finals. Ruby, a nervously waiting athlete explained,” I’m really excited & nervous at the same time. I’m excited to work as a team!” On the whole, everyone did really well and the lowers team managed to win overall! Well done to everyone and a big thank you to all of the staff who made such a great day possible.
By Alana