Heathlands Primary School

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Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Art in Year 6


In year six we are learning about different shades in art. Here are some examples of the types of shades that we have been doing: cross hatching, random hatching, ink wash, contour hatching and hatching.
Also we have been drawing accurately. In art, we have done at least one copy the picture sheet. In art, there are many different subjects: painting; sketching and paint prints. At the moment, we are learning to sketch. This may be helpful in life if students would like to be a person who has to sketch at some point during their/your job. The schools number one priority is to educate students while they also enjoy it. Thank you.

By Jasmine

Friday, 3 March 2017

The lockers

The lockers - that are next to 6G and 6H - are in the boy and girls lobbies. Only years 5 and 6 are permitted to use them because you need responsibility for the keys. You are allowed to put keyrings on them, however, they must not be too heavy otherwise they may break under the weight of them. You are not allowed to get anything out of your lockers during lessons unless you really need whatever is in there.

By Hannah

World book day!

As you know, tomorrow is world book day and many children will be dressed as their favourite book characters. Here are some books I would recommend:                         Tiger Wars: An action packed book all about a teenager brought up of in the forests of Poland. It’s also about the illegal poaching of tigers and how to stop it.                               
Artemis Fowl: A very pacey story about a twelve year old Irish criminal who finds a secret race of fairies below ground.
If you do read these books I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.

By Finley.

School of Rock

Sometime after Sats year 6 will be watching 'School of Rock' in London. 

They will be doing this as a treat after doing their Sats as it will be a fun experience. They will also be looking around London just to make it a bit more fun. 

This is an opportunity for the year sixes to relax and enjoy themselves after a non- stop week of tests.

By Caleb    

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

The 500 Word Competition

The 500 word competition is where year 6’s -only- write short stories about anything you like. [ e.g. Autism, school or the beach!]. The gold prize is …books stacked up to the height of Chris Evans!

You are not allowed to enter twice because that is against the rules. You are only allowed to do 500 words or under, not over. You are allowed a reasonable amount of time to write in your book; then on the computer; print it out; stick it in your book and send it to Chris Evans. (The teachers will do this)

He or one of the many judges will read every story thoroughly and decide which stories will be 1st, 2nd or 3rd.

The winners will be announced in a few months’ time.
By Hannah



Every year you will have certain lessons to do. They can be: Maths, English, Science (from about year two), Art, History, SRE plus many more.

The different lessons can be from boring to exciting. Most lessons are really good though.

You can play three times during the day. At the start of the day; during the morning/break and in the middle of the day/lunch. These breaks give students the chance to rest their brains. Also it gives them a chance to learn physically and partly mentally. Lessons give children the chance to learn mentally. The only lesson that helps you learn physically is P.E. 

Lessons are a great help and give lots of support for students and their education. They also influence on how well students do in the future.

Going to school and having lessons will really help in life.

By Jasmine

Year 5 Science

This term, year 5’s theme in science is space. 

They have been learning about how the planets orbit the sun and how the moons orbit their planets. They have also learnt about the moon’s phases and how they occur/form.

Very recently, 5B had a class assembly on space. All of it was well planned and structured and based on science. They made it so that it would be like a school trip to the West Bergholt Space Agency. It was a very good performance with lots of parents attending the event. Their performance included sections about the size of the planets, the moon and Pluto. All of it was amazing from the pupils voices to the slide show about the moon.

By Finley

Our Library

Our library is great as we can access many thrilling books for example Artemis Fowl, Tom Gates and Lemony Snicket.

We have over 1000 books so we can choose from different types of genres. We have so many books, we get 2 books to take home but one is for a shorter time otherwise it would be unfair for others.

We have different levels from lilac , which are picture books, to star with lots of words and not any pictures.

There are 17 levels in total.  

By Caleb

Wednesday, 1 February 2017


This term year five and six are doing their bikeability which involves hard work, practise and determination. There are two badges and I expect most people will be aiming for badge two.
Your child will be expected to bring a standard bike with everything functional, and be ready for the road. The things your child does involves u-turns and looking for incoming traffic, signalling and manoeuvring.

You will need to practise before attempting bikeability as it is a real challenge. You may also be doing slow races, fast races and dogging each other between cones. When your child goes onto the road they will have to be prepared for incoming traffic.

By Caleb

Year 5 English

This term, Year 5’s are learning about Myths in English. At the end of the unit they will be writing their own myth. They have already designed their own monsters/beasts. All of which are individually brilliant and fantastically scary. Many people have come up with merciless beasts that lurk under peoples beds and kill them in their sleep. Some have made winged beasts that kill people with their voice. And some have made sea monsters that destroy ships. They have also created heroes to defeat the monsters. As well as this, they have made someone/something to aid the hero on their quest. To plan for this, they read and compared some myths. Later on, they sectioned out a myth to help with the structure. They have also found out where the myths have come from and what they are about. Right now, they are in the middle of their planning.

By Finley

Wednesday, 25 January 2017

News Update!

Christmas is over. It is time to go back to school again and learn. If there is anything coming up soon then look here.
*(For all years):  Heathlands has Got Talent is coming soon! If anyone would like to enter then they should start practicing.
*(Year six info:)  SATS are coming soon and if you feel like you are not good enough but you are prepared to work a little longer then you should get practicing for about half an hour after school.
*(Year six info:)  After the SATS year six have been offered the chance to go to see: The School of Rock! This year it is cheaper than usual.
Later On This Year:
*(For all years ) (On the 20th of June with a back up day of the 21st)Sports Day. This can earn your house some house points for that term and for the end of the year. Also Sports Day can let those who love running sports enjoy it.

Let this year be the BEST!  Earn house points and

 have a great YEAR!          I hope this will help you.
By Jasmine

What we have been up to!!!

This term, Year five and six have been learning about the Mayans and how they lived and who they believed in. 

Apparently, as a new born baby, they would flatten their foreheads with a plank of wood; put spinning objects in front of their eyes to give them cross eyes; file their teeth and also drill a hole in them and put jade inside. 

We also found out that they sacrifice their people or hostages to the gods or give blood samples with anything they could find just to please the gods.   Did you know that the Mayans had over 150 gods?  

We’re also having a Mayan workshop so we can find out more interesting and gory facts about them.

By Caleb