Heathlands Primary School

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Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Time Capsule laid in foundations!

Pupils in RLS and 1BS together with members of School Council have laid a time capsule in the foundations of our new classrooms today. With the help of Site Manager, Callum and a big digger the capsule containing pictures, photos, newspapers, prayers and lots more where placed in the foundations for years to come. Josh, Molly, Daisy, Thea, Finley, Sam and Faiza wrote a special prayer which was read out as the time capsule was buried. The prayer read 'Dear God, Please help everyone to be happy in our new school building. Thank you for letting the builders build our new classrooms. Amen'.


  1. Fantastic idea - my daughter was thrilled and told me all about it in lovely detail

  2. I agree, Nat was so excited about this and thrilled to be part of it!!
